Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Why Your Basements Flood in Grand Blanc Michigan

Water always takes the path of least resistance to flow from the higher point to the lowest point. This means that it will exploit any weak points in the wall or floor of the basement. Things that can change such as the location of a new building, it can change the course of the water or trees being removed as they take in water.

There are options on how to stop it and the first one is basement tanking, cracks could appear by vibrations by nearby train lines and roads.

The second option is external waterproofing, the problem with that is its an old fashion method that is costly to repair and install. Installing a French drain requires digging down to the foundation.

Option three would be to do internal waterproofing in Grand Blanc Michigan is the wise method. Using modern, specifically designed products to effectively manage the water after it enter the basement in a safe way. A sump pump is used to dispose of the water properly.

Waterproofing a basement is simple if you know what you are doing, First you need to identify the leak in the wet basement. If the water is coming from above most likely its a plumbing issue. The best thing to do is get a basement leak expert to inspect your basement and than tell you the options you have to solve your waterproofing problems.

Pick the best option for your basement and make sure it stays dry forever. The last thing you want to do is waterproof your basement in the future. You want to put waterproofed everything down in your basement when your spending the money to waterproof your basement.

You may ask why you want to waterproof your basement and here is why:

  1. Reduce energy bills
  2. Can keep your home warm during the winter
  3. Can give you extra living space
  4. Can give you additional storage space

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