Thursday, March 6, 2014

Flood Insurance Worth It or Not in Macomb Michigan

Flood insurance can be surprisingly affordable but it all depends on where you live. The average coverage for $350,000 in a low risk area is $400, low to moderate risk is $1,800, high risk is about $3,300.

Still only 13% of people in Michigan homeowners don't have insurance, despite the high cost of minor flooding. To get one inch of water extract out of your home in Macomb, its $20,000 for the work so flooding will cost you.

Prevent Water Damage With Waterproofing in Macomb

Do not delay when you have standing water in your home every hour you waste the more damage you will be doing to your home. Remember to remove the wet items from the house this will allow them to dry. When removing them that means from the house.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

How To Handle A Water Damage Emergency

Did you know that 22 out of 1,000 homes experience water damage each year. There are a few things you don't want to do and some of them are things homeowners didn't have a clue. 

Do not use a vacuum cleaner, do not try to use a household vacuum cleaner to clean up the water in your home. Household vacuums are not built for water clean up and will be ruined by doing this action. This can be an accident waiting to happen with water coming into the vacuum because the vacuums are not protected for water entries. 

When your dealing with water damage do not use household appliances, do not turn on the TV, radio, or computer while you are standing on the wet floor or carpet. if you do so you might be shocked or electrocute. 

Telltale Signs of Foundation Problems in Your Auburn Hills Michigan Property

There are somethings that you can tell about a houses foundation problems and they are:

  1. cracked or uneven floors
  2. cracks in bricks
  3. leaks near ceiling corners
  4. shifted or crack molding
  5. wall shifting or rotations
  6. cracks in walls
  7. windows or doors won't close easily 
  8. separation of doors, windows, and garage floors
  9. spaces between floor, walls, or ceiling
  10. wet crawlspaces
  11. walls separating from the house
There are some common foundation problems you can see in your home:

  1. settling of the surrounding earth
  2. weight or pressure from the ground
  3. freezing and thawing of the ground around the structure
  4. weight of the house
  5. shrinkage of cement 
  6. tree roots
  7. poor construction
Now if you need an expert to come and check the leaks in your basement or the cracks in your walls you can count on a waterproofing expert in Auburn Hills.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Why Your Basements Flood in Grand Blanc Michigan

Water always takes the path of least resistance to flow from the higher point to the lowest point. This means that it will exploit any weak points in the wall or floor of the basement. Things that can change such as the location of a new building, it can change the course of the water or trees being removed as they take in water.

Rain Damage To Your Home

With a lot of rainfall comes a lot of water damage that might ruin a house, the average rainfall in the US is 36.5. The average rainfall per day in the US is 100 days.